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    More information on Donating, Volunteering, and more.
    Mickey Lipska

    How to Donate

    By Mickey Lipska, in More Info,

    Donate Directly

    You can donate directly via Venmo here, or use the scannalbe QR code below.


    The PTO helps close the gap providing each grade level with extra funding  to support field trips, special seating, classroom libraries and more! You donation helps fund these projects and so much more (conference nights, staff appreciation, recess equipment, etc) We thank you for your participation in whatever way you can! Thanks!


    Business Share Days / Share Nights

    Mount Horeb K-5 Share Form

    The Mount Horeb Area School District K-5 PTO is looking to create a partnership with your business to help us raise funds to provide special opportunities for our students, teachers, and district staff members throughout the school year.  

    We are soliciting monetary donations from local businesses who would be willing to host a Share Day or Share Night, in which a set percentage of your profits on a particular day and/or  timeframe would be donated directly to the MHASD K-5 PTO.  This will help enable us to continue our efforts of hosting seasonal student events and activities, providing classroom items and snacks, and giving back to our wonderful teachers and staff members who provide so much for our students all year!

    As a Share Day/Night host, your business will be recognized as one of our "Sponsors" by displaying your logo on our promotional material for our K-5 PTO student events throughout the school year.  Some of our upcoming events include the Costume Ball in October, the Craft Night in November, and a Silent Auction in the spring.

    We hope that you will consider joining with us to host a Share Day/Night. If you would like to donate to the K-5 PTO in a different capacity, such as product or services donations for one of our upcoming events, please fill out the Mount Horeb K-5 Share Form.

    Mickey Lipska

    Volunteering-large_margin-100px.pngClick "Sign Up" at the top of this page to Volunteer and to get our Newsletter. If you've already signed up but need to edit your volunteer info and interests, go to your profile settings here, and click on "Edit Profile".

    *Before you can actually volunteer for us, you'll need to complete your background check with the school district. Find out how to do that here.)

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